BBA Department Activity report 2019-2020
- 30/7/2019,FDP on Course Outcome, program outcome and critical Teaching, SURANA COLLEGE PEENYA, attended by Asst PROF ANITHA, HEMAVATHI,SEEMA SHETTY .
- 28/8/2019,BBA student registration to Department of skill development and entrepreneurship livelihood,BBA 2ND and 3rd year students enrolled
- 30/8/2019,BBA new syllabus discussion,MLA COLLEGE PROF. HEMAVATHI.G.Phas participated in BBA new syllabus discussion. PROF.JAPHET and DR.MUNIRAJU addressed the gathering
- 4/9/2019 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ,All BBA Students has participated
- 5/9/2019,Celebration of TEACHERS DAY,BBA students celebrated teachers day
- 9/9/2019,MBA Project ORIENTATION,M.P Birla Institute of Management,All BBA Faculties has attended MBA Project orientation
- 11/09/2019,MBA Subject Discussion,Presidency college,yelahanka.Business Planning and regulation
- 18/9/2019,5thgeneration mobile network opportunities and challenges MR.GIRIDHARBARAY addressed the gathering
- 21/9/2019BBA Fresher’s Day Celebration, 2ND year and 3rd year student organized fresher’s day to the new batch BBA students.
- 23/9/2019,Workshop on winners communication and dreamers presentation, MR.THOMAS JHON Rose addressed the gathering
- 26/9/2019,Faculty development Program on case analysis –Discussion and evaluation
- 1/10/2019,Industrial visit,BBA 1st sem students have been for industrial visit to COCO-COLA and BRITANIA COMPANY,After visiting the company all the students prepared a project report of two companies
- 30/10/2019,Three days National Level Workshop on Data Analytical Techniques for Research Surana college, professor HEMAVATHI.G.Phas participated inThree day National Level Workshop on Data Analytical Techniques for Research
- 10/10/2019 &11/10/2019, Parents teacher meeting, PTM is conducted for all the bba students who had shortage of attendance
- 30/10/2019, VIVA VOCE IS Conducted for the BBA 1st semester students and marks allotted based on their presentation
- 18/5/2020,One day National level Faculty development webinar on ”outcome Based Education” organised by C B Bhandari Jain college in collaboration with INPODS attended by, Prof. SEEMA.S
Webinars Attended by BBA Department & Language Faculties
- 18/5/2020,Participated in online Quiz competition “Test your knowledge on plagiarism” conducted by office Dean (research), attended by, Prof. SEEMA.S, Prof. HEMAVATHI.GP, Prof. ANITHA .BR.
- 24/5/2020,webinar on “Data Analysis in Management Research” organized by St.Martin’s Engineering college, attended by, Prof. SEEMA.S, Prof. HEMAVATHI.GP, Prof. ANITHA .BR. , Prof.ROOPA BAI
- 24/5/2020,International webinar on “Recruitment in post COVID 19:National/International” organized by VIIMS, attended by, Prof. SEEMA.S, Prof. HEMAVATHI.GP, Prof. ANITHA .BR.
- 25/5/2020, online Quiz titled “Fundamentals of Tax & GST” organized by SONA college of Arts & Science. Prof. HEMAVATHI.GP, Prof. SEEMA.S
- 26/5/2020,Participated in webinar on “How stress affects the Body” by EASWARI ENGINEERING COLLEGE, attended byProf. SEEMA.S, Prof. HEMAVATHI.GP, Prof. ANITHA .BR , GOWDA VASANTHI
- 26/5/2020 to 30/5/2020,FIVE DAY ONLINEFDP ON “Changing Business Strategies Post COVID-19 “Organized by JEPPIAAR ENGINEERING COLLEGE, attended by Prof. HEMAVATHI.GP, Prof. ANITHA .BR., Prof. SEEMA.S
- 28th & 29th May 2020,Participated in FDP on “Capacity Building for Teachers during & Post COVID-19” organised by Godavri Institute of Engineering & Technology. Prof. SEEMA.S, Prof. HEMAVATHI.GP, Prof. ANITHA .BR. GOWDA VASANTHI
- 27th&29th May 2020, Webinar on Advance in Research Methodology, organized by RJS “INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISPLINARY PROGRAMME” attended Prof .ANITHA.B.R
- 30th May, 2020,Intenatinal Webinar on MOBILE LEARNING by IEMS, B- SCHOOL ,attended by Prof .ANITHA.B.R.
- 30/5/2020, WENINAR on HINDI , organized by Dr. NSAM first grade college, participated by GOWDA VASANTHI
- 24/04/2020 and 25/04/2020 Online Faculty Development Program on “Demystifying Derivatives’ by Academic Research Group attended by Assistant Professor ROOPA BAI M
- 26/04/2020 Online Faculty Development Program on “Overview of IFRS and its convergence to Ind AS’’ by Academic Research Group attended by Assistant Professor ROOPA BAI
- 27/05/2020 National Level Online Faculty Development Program on “DuPont Analysis” by Sivananda Sarma Memorial RV College attended by assistant professor ROOPA BAI M.G
- 28/05/2020 One day national level FDP on “Economic Value Added’’ by APS Evening College of Art and Commerce attended by Assistant professor ROOPA BAI M.G
- 16/05/2020 “Covid-19 Awareness Program ‘VIVEKANANDHA COLLEGE OF ART AND SCINCES FOR WOMEN ‘’attended by Assistant professor Sowmya S
- 23/05/2020 “Kannada literature Higher education ‘’BY Dr.N.A.S.M first Grade College attended by Assistant professor Sowmya S
- 24/05/2020 “ Future of finance and Way Forward for Students and Professionals” BY Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology attended by Assistant professor Sowmya S
- 26/05/2020 Kranthi Banthu Kranthi –Drama by SIDDAMANGALA SEVA KENDARA AND KANNADA YUVAJANNASANGA attended by Assistant professor Sowmya S
- 27/05/2020 “Out Come Based Education” by InPods Ed-tech attended by Assistant professor Sowmya S
- 27/05/2020,28/05/2020,29/05/2020 State level seminar -3days’’ by Government First Grade college, kollar attended by Assistant professor Sowmya S
- 29/05/2020 “Higher Education in India” by Dr.N.A.S.M first Grade College attended by Assistant professor Sowmya S
- ’30/05/2020 “International seminar on vachanna sahithya ‘’by SIDDAMANGALA SEVA KENDARA AND KANNADA YUVAJANNASANGA With Poland attended by Assistant professor Sowmya S
- 1/06/2020 Women literature in present scenario by st.claret college, s